Powertek EV Charging Solutions
Our Electric Vehicle Charging solutions are operated by Powertek EV.
Powertek EV is now your one-stop solution for all Electric Vehicle Charge Point installations.
We can provide all EV charging solutions from local authority charging hubs, corporate rapid charge rollout programs and roadside charging developments, managing and delivering all connection to current IEE 18th Edition Wiring Regulations and DNO connections including design and DNO approval processes.
Powertek is an ICP working throughout the United Kingdom within all DNO areas with highly skilled Approved Electrical, Cable Jointing and Civils Teams.
All our works are carried out by our own OLEV & DNO/IDNO/ICP authorised direct labour.
All surveys are carried out by our highly experienced workforce to ensure a seamless connection with works carried out to the highest standard, all to current NERS requirements.
All OLEV grants and DNO submissions are managed in house. Powertek Utilities are approved by a number of leading EV chargepoint manufacturers.